Remember Grace Kelly and her tragic and beautiful story? We took a gorgeous drive from Cannes to Monaco today and her presence is still very strong. This principality is ruled by the Grimaldi family and it is one of the most beautiful locations in the world.
We visited the palace and saw the church where she married her prince. We watched the changing of the guard and saw the track and streets where Formula One racing takes place.
As it was our last day on the tour we felt fortunate to spend it in such a fantastic place. After Monaco we toured the Fragonard perfume factory–where they manufacture their own perfumes from only natural\pure ingredients. They are not exported and so we had the chance to buy some very unique fragrances–bring home French perfume was definitely a bonus treat.
Next we were on to Nice, one of my favorite locations. We had three hours of free time when most people shopped, but Ms. Crowell and I sat in a sidewalk cafe eating mussels and french fries–delicious but enough for 10 people.
The kids had bed check at 10:00 and are in their rooms preparing their suitcases. It is bittersweet to end this tour; two years of planning and anticipation hopefully resulted in the trip of a lifetime for each of them.
Personally, I can’t think of a better group with whom to travel–I have thoroughly enjoyed my roomie, Mrs. Dempsey, and all of the adults of Bus #1 + our awesome kids. Getting together with all of the great participants from Bus #2 each night and at meals made it even better. Perhaps we can get Randolph involved in the trip that takes place two years from now–what do you think Randolph? Thanks for the opportunity to share the experience with you!
Thank you so much for the beautiful pictures and keeping us up to date daily. Stay safe and I look forward to seeing everyone home!! By the way, it felt good to blog with you again!
Sleep long everyone and keep safe. You’ll be home before you know it…enjoy the last leg of your journey.
God Bless, Jude
Hello Kim,
I just want to thank everyone that made this trip so special to all of our children. I can not wait to see my son so i can hug him. This trip was such a learning experience for all of us. I wonder if this is how it will be when our children go off to college? Be safe coming home can not wait to see all of you. Love Mary
Dear All,
The end of a dream vacation. Thank you Thank you so much to all the chaperones and to the three of you who have spent so much time and energy for all our kids. Thank you Mrs. Moritz for all the updates daily to your blog and for all the pics you sent us. To see the beautiful scenery and to hear about each day in such detail was truly a gift to the parents and siblings who stayed at home. I hope your return trip is a fun and safe one and I look forward to hugging and kissing my daughter and hearing about her dream trip. Thank you for your ever watchful eye on all our kids and the fun adventures you explored with all of them. May God bless each of you and watch over each and everyone on your trip home. Thanks again for all you do for all our kids. I hope you all enjoyed this trip to the maximum and have lots of pics and great stories to share when you get home.
Love to all PEG