What Are We Meant To Do?

I’m really bothered by the idea of leaving behind the principalship. I love this job, my relationships with students, staff and parents. I look forward to coming to school every day. Heck, walking into the building today, I thought “I love school, everything about it, the activity, the buildings, the safe atmosphere, the PEOPLE.” I belong here.

I’m not worried about the new job. I know I’ll work hard, learn what I need to do, make a difference there. I’m just worried about leaving the old one. I honestly think it’s because I’ve been good at it. Now I’m not saying that in a boastful way. I’m saying it because there are so many things I really stink at. Most things actually. I’m anything but an athlete, I can’t carry a tune, can’t cook or sew or do anything artistic. I don’t care for TV and I don’t find professional sports even slightly interesting. I don’t have any serious interests other than work. This is what I like to do. I’m not even a very good friend because I’d usually rather be at work than doing anything else. And I’m definitely not winning the mother of the year award any time soon.

I do like to go camping and boating. You know why? It provides me with lots of quiet time with my family and to read, think, reflect. Half the time I’m reading educational journals and books so that I can be better at my job.

So what if I’ve just given up the one thing I’m best at in life? What if I spend the next 13 years of my career saying, “geez, I was a great principal.”

Dr. Lloyd Elm was our graduation speaker two years ago. Dr. Elm said that we should find that one true thing we were sent here to do and that if we do that it will mean everything. Dr. Elm went on to say, “And if you do everything but miss that one true thing, it will be as if you’ve done nothing.” He mentioned me during his talk and said “your principal is doing that one thing.” What if I’m walking away from that one thing I’m meant to do?

Is my one true thing being a principal or serving our students, faculty and community as an educational leader? Will this provide me with a way to do my “one true thing” even better?

  1. Kim,
    After reading your BLOG, I giggled to myself. You are so human and so you! You are the jewel of our tight knit community. You know where you are going and how to get there. Don’t keep rethinking this move. It is a transition and I’m sure that anyone who has been in your position, felt and feels the same way. Keep blogging when you can. We all need to know what you are thinking and how you are feeling. As far as friends, they will be there. Your family comes first and I agree with Lisa, swimming is very therapeutic. She knows you well. I’m not a big fan on change. I can remember when I thought my parents were ” (old fuddy duddies)” because they were afraid of change. This is PROGRESS for EVERYONE. I need to know how to spell check this Blog! Is Fuddy Duddy a word?

  2. I was there for that speech and remember it clearly. You are who you are and you provide leadership and passion for education. Is this the right move for you, now? The only way to know is to trust your instinct and yourself and try it. Now, quick thinking so much and go for a swim 🙂

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