The Long Way Home

Here we are in Frankfurt, Germany waiting for the connection to Philadelphia. We have a four hour layover. Having left the hotel at 3:45 this morning and facing about 24 hours of travel, our small group of nine is surprisingly upbeat, though anxious to be home with our families. It hit me yesterday, missing my husband and daughter, but perhaps it was just the anticipation. I truly cannot wait to see them tonight.

We finished our trip with churros con chocolate, a delicious thick creamy chocolate served with long donut type churros. Some of the students stayed up all night, I assume to make the trip last a bit longer. Mrs. Dempsey and the rest of the group were leaving for the hotel at 8:00 am, we wish them safe travel. We have been such a connected group of 22 for these past 10 days, I am not sure I can walk without looking behind me and counting heads.

For my techie readers, you can see I found easy access to the Internet on our trip, 10 minutes for 1 pound in London, 7 euros for 30 minutes in Paris, and for free in Spain. The keyboards have been a bit of a challenge. For example, here in Germany, I keep hitting the z key where our y usually sits.

As is often said about travel, one of the things that is so nice about going away is the coming home part. Hopefully, we will all appreciate our families a little bit more, be a little more tolerant and try to be a lot more tolerable. 

Going away and seeing some of the other places we could have landed on this planet is “nice, very nice”, but it also makes me happy to have landed in G-Town. On our way home, cannot wait to see everyone.  I’m Gypsy Mama  just a bit longer.

  1. Hey Gypsy Mama!

    Glad to hear that you are all (halfway) home safely! Hope the jetlag wasn’t too bad either! I managed to get the other group on the plane, and then waited 6 hours at the airport trying not to fall asleep! Clever me for booking a flight so late in the pm! I spent the entire time in that airport falling asleep, and not realising my eyes were shut until I had started dreaming and muttering to myself! I then went and fell asleep with my mouth open on the plane home – classy!

    Anywho, look forward to reading about all your adventures once you are back – I promise I will update my blog soon too!

    Lots of love to you and your gypsy brood!


  2. Sounds like you all had a great time and I really enjoyed reading the daily updates. Once again you have insipred me! As stated here, it will be good to come home to see those you’ve missed and how much more we appriciate home when we’re not…I’m sure by now you’ve heard about the shootings at Virgina Tech… we do need to teach more tolerance and I bet the students you traveled with have learned to appriciate more than they had ever imagined. Kudos to you Gypsy Mama!

  3. Thank you, Kimberly! I’ve enjoyed reading about your trip. I’ve led many a guided tour of Europe as a French/Spanish teacher (including a few EF Tours) and your blog has triggered my longing to return. I miss experiencing travel through the eyes of students.

    I probably should have shared this sooner, but I found on my last trip to France in an internet cafe with a French keyboard that you can change the keyboard to an English one by clicking on the language icon on the bottom right of the screen. If you type to feel (and not hunt & peck) it really helps! Hopefully you can benefit from this tip on a trip in the near future. It sounds like you had a wonderful time!

  4. Hi Kim,
    Not sure why my blog did not show up yesterday. Thank you and Mrs. Dempsey, Mr. & Mrs. Schindler for taking this venture with our kids! We are very thankful for the blogging.(I am now hooked)
    We too are anticipating your arrival home, we miss everyone, especially Kara! Today will be a long one, at work and school. Until tonight, continue to have a safe trip home!!!

    Love From G-Town,

  5. Sorry to see the adventure end but what an absolute adventure it was as I experienced it through your posts! Welcome home Kim.

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