Principal Disappointment

We had 89 of our seniors absent today, many for a “Senior Skip Day”. This is November. Not May or June when I might be able to look the other way. And it probably wouldn’t be as bad if report cards hadn’t just come out and 54 of them are failing one or more subjects.

Coincidentally, I’m working on the Senior Lounge applications. This is a privilege afforded our Seniors who have excellent attendance, complete homework, maintain at least a passing average in every class, and participate with a good attitude and behavior. I’m not really feeling the desire to provide my Seniors with any privileges when a large portion don’t assume the responsibility of coming to school. And the Senior Trip? That was designed as an incentive to eliminate Senior Skip Days. As you can tell, I’m disappointed in a group of students who I expect more from, every day in G-Town. Not every Senior, but those who “skipped” today. Did I mention it’s only November? And over 1/3 of them are failing?

From where I sit, I’m wondering where we get an atmosphere of entitlement that means we do everything we can for students and they take a Skip Day in NOVEMBER? Having a great school takes everyone and it’s not okay for me to care more about how each student does than he or she does–1/3 of the class failing one or more subjects?! Is it really that hard?

  1. I saw this report on ABC news the other night and it made me think of your blog……’ve mentioned in another blog besides this one that you are concerned about seniors failing classes. This school has come up with an interesting way to support students’… reduce the dropout rate, increase attendance, etc. They have formed pods, high school students stay with the same teachers all 4 years so that they really get to know their teachers and they feel like their teachers have a vested interest in their lives.

    What this school is doing may not be relevant to your school, but I thought it was an interesting concept and wanted to share………Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. You always get seniors who feel that they’ve “climbed the ladder” and should receive a treat for doing so. If only they could realize how low on life’s ladder they really still are and how their behavior know is setting them up for a fall come time for college and the real world.

  3. I love your blog first of all. Second I agree with your feelings on skip days. I was pleased to see that my basketball players did attend school that day. I only had two out of school that day. It showed me that these kids are seriuos about the up coming season, as am I.

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