SGI–Go Green?

As a school leader, I’ve never been afraid to admit what I don’t know and I’m not somehow who knows a whole lot about environmental stewardship. I would guess I know about as much as an average citizen. I have had the good fortune of learning much more on this topic from Reed Braman and Seth Wochensky, two of our Springville community members who have formed a local environmental organization called Green Springville.

Our school district has six buildings and one of the biggest footprints in our community. I want us to do our part, to make changes wherever we can and to be better.

The Green Springville organization should likewise be an SGI initiative within our schools. We talk about recycling, but are we truly recycling? Are we involving our students in education about environmentally sound practices and allowing them to have a voice in how we can be better? Are we affording them the opportunity to solve this problem and change the world, their future, in positive ways?

Changing our practices for the better will take all of us thinking about ways in which we can make that happen. I KNOW we have employees in every building who are more knowledgeable on this topic than me. We need a cadre of volunteers who are passionate about improving our efforts–teachers, support staff, students, families–who can work in every building to improve our practices. I believe the students will drive the project, given some guidance from the adults.

SHS Principal James Bialasik is on board. Who’s out there who will raise your hand to participate on building level teams, alongside students, to make changes within our district? You don’t have to know everything about environmental stewardship. You just need the passion and energy to make a difference. In Tracie Hall, director of the U.S. Green Building Council and SGI alum, we have an incredible resource for information and resources. We also have the Green Springville group on our side.

See your principal before Winter break and raise your hand to make SGI a greener district!


  1. Glad to see Springville Schools exploring “going green” on a larger scale! As a community member and a former educator in another local district, I would love to volunteer, share ideas and help to build this initiative.

  2. Wild Spirit Education in Arcade is more than willing to help with advice as needed. We teach about sustainable living and conservation methods.

  3. I am thrilled to assist in any capacity! We have loads of educational content and projects to help faculty, staff, and students make SGI more sustainable.
    See The Center for Green Schools for information and Green Apple for service/learning project ideas! Please let me know how I can help because “Where we learn matters!”

  4. Yes Science club is in and has been . Special Ed recycles in our building working on getting recycle bins for plastic bottles. Matt Clayton teaches an environmental class and definitely can and does incorporate going green.

  5. Great idea. We just need a starting point.
    I’m sure a lot can be recycled with a little guidance.
    Hope to see some kids at a meeting or two also.

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