G-Town Talks Becomes Randolph Writes

I’m starting week three as the new superintendent at Randolph Central and I’m loving every minute of it. No, not because I started the week before the winter recess and so I’ve had an easy go of it. I’m loving the WORK. It’s been busy and filled with 1,000+ new things to think about and learn, but I’m leaving feeling energized and excited about the possibilities.

I’ve toured the buildings, talking to teachers, administrators, staff and students. I’ve met with the union presidents, reached an agreement with the support staff association, and conducted my first administrative teamĀ meeting. I hit the ground running with our current building project, asking questions and learning where we are with progress targets and plans. I attended a K-6 holiday program and the 7-12 Randolph Rumble. Had my first BOE meeting, learned more in executive session, started to think about our calendar and contracts, made decisions and asked more questions about everything from our finances to our instructional programs. I’ve tried to go through everything left behind in the office by my predecessor and to research the major issues facing the district. It’s been overwhelming and there is so much to get my head around and yet, it all feels so RIGHT.

My first impressions? This is a gem of a district, with hard working, well intended employees, INCREDIBLE students, and a caring, dedicated BOE. Everyone has been incredibly helpful and supportive and I do believe this may have been the very best decision of my career.

Randolph Writes will be one way that I try to improve communication within the district. It’s my sense that everyone is looking for good information and an opportunity to collaborate. I welcome your comments, either on the blog, via email at kmoritz@rand.wnyric.org or in person. I can’t wait to see what we accomplish together.

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  1. Happy New Year! Reading this post is bitter sweet. I am glad you are loving it there and all the new things you are learning but I can’t help but feel sad for the hardworking, dedicated people you left behind šŸ™ Don’t forget us!

  2. Hi Kim!! Congratulations on your new position. Randolph will be thrilled to have you as their leader. I’m very excited for you. I’m also thrilled to see you, as a superintendent publicly blogging. Good for you!! I wish you much success and a Happy, Healthy 2009.

  3. Kim,
    It’s great to see and feel the excitement you’ve brought to Randolph already. I eagerly anticipate the future there as well and was excited to get the tweet on Twitter from Theresa Gray about your blog posts this week and new name! Very exciting times. Have a great New Years.

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