Time to Stop Everything

It’s late on the last day before the Winter break and I’m so grateful that it’s late on the last day before break! There is something that happens to our buildings just before a break, and we seem to shift into a different mode. My first administrative job was as an assistant principal and my colleague, a seasoned veteran and great guy, Gary Cerne, told me “let’s just keep the lid on the place.” I’ve thought of his words right before every break we’ve ever had since then.

It’s tough for kids to make those transitions, which is why I’ll never be in favor of the “split break”, as we call it in New York. We have a week off in February and another in April and it’s too much. We just get rolling after the start of the new semester on February 1, and then we hit another break. I’ve never worked with small children, but I have to believe it’s even harder at the elementary level.

So here I sit, still a project left uncompleted, and I’m not starting it now. I’m taking next week off, vacation days, and I’m not thinking about G-Town, I swear! Well, other than dropping my son off for practice and attending a wrestling meet in a neighboring school all day on Friday.

I’m going to concentrate on my family, reading, and doing nothing. I hope I have days where I’m still in my pj’s at noon. I have to write this all down here, because I’ll have to force myself to stop. So this is my commitment to do so. Stop, that is.

A sincere happy holidays to all G-Town readers. You’ve helped me to learn and to grow in 2006–see you for more in 2007. Thank you.

One Comment
  1. Well Kim – I too took a real holiday and didn’t touch my computer for over one week. I didn’t even update my blogs because I feared that I would cross over into work. 563 work emails and 265 personal emails later – I have failed in my resolution to not over work. Maybe I should work on that over thinking thing…..

    Thanks for inspiring me in many ways this past year – and here’s to many more!

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