RCS Budget Passes

Our 2011-12 budget passed voter approval yesterday 153-19. Thank you to everyone in the community who came out to vote. I also want to thank our business official, Dave Chambers, our School BOE members and our Admin Team for the budget development work that preceded the final budget as presented to the public. I would guess that our exceptionally low voter turnout is indicative of community satisfaction with the reductions to the budget and to the tax levy. Randolph is about the best place to be that I can think of, especially at this time in New York State.

After last year with eleven candidates running for the BOE, this year brought only our two incumbents to the race. Who can figure what makes the difference from one year to the next? We congratulate Louise Boutwell and Tonia McAllister and thank them for their continued service to the district and to the community. We have a solid team of BOE members with varying perspectives who work hard to help lead the district. They challenge my thinking, push for excellence and question our policies and decisions appropriately. I’m looking forward to another productive year with our BOE Team and our entire school community!