Blog Becomes Travelogue

I’ve been putting things away, doing laundry, and cleaning up all day long. Well, not all day, I just woke up from a brief nap, which was much needed. Our flight from Philadelphia to Buffalo was cancelled, but we did get on a later flight. I hit my bed at 12:45 this morning, after about 29 hours of travel.

As I read through the entries over the past ten days, I realize that this G-Town Talks blog took on a different focus and served another purpose for parents and readers. Unfortunately, I also realize that my writing is better when I take the time to edit and rethink at the end of drafting a post. This was time I just didn’t have on the trip.

As I reconnected with my family today, it was actually easier because of the blog. I didn’t have to recall as many details to fill them in on our adventure. It saved some time. With 8 loads of laundry and a dining room table filled with mail, that was time I was glad to have. Some might argue that it’s more worthwhile to talk it all through. But really, who wants to listen to every detail anyway? It’s like the relative who wants to show all of her vacation videos or photos. This blog gave a snapshot every day, sort of the way it’s better when your colleague brings only 5-10 of his favorite vacation photos to share instead of asking you to look through 950 of them.

I’ve been writing about G-Town on this blog for ten months and it’s consistently been about our students and school management. This trip travelogue allowed a glimpse into just one more aspect of student and in this case, principal, life.

Thanks for joining us for our journey. It was a privilege and a pleasure to bring you along.

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  1. I’ve been reading your rss feed through Google Reader and enjoying every minute of your trip, though I’m nowhere near you and don’t know anything else about you or your school. I think it’s awesome what you’re doing with your blog and am grateful to have come upon it! As for relaying every single detail, I’m one who actually WANTS to hear every little detail! Too bad all my friends and family don’t when I want to relay a trip or series of events! LOL

  2. After reading your blogs everyday, I would love to go on the 2009 trip! (Even if my daughter didn’t want me to go along!) It sounds like everyone had a wonderful time. I’m hoping to talk to some of the students about their experiences. Any of you reading this, please visit us in the Superintendent’s office and tell us all about it… and bring some pictures!

  3. Kim,
    Thank you for taking us with you, we enjoyed reading the blog every night. Most importantly, thank you for giving our students an opportunity of a life time!!! Thank you also to Bill & Kim Schindler and Mrs. Dempsey!!!

    Thanks again!!!
    The Fonti’s

  4. Oops, have just posted on the previous entry! Glad you are home safe and sound, gypsy mama! Look forward to hearing all the news from Gowanda!

    Love and hugs,


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