Talking about connections. . .

If you’ve read any of my previous posts, it’s clear that I’m appreciating the new blogging world as I’ve found it, especially the blogs and comments from other educators. I’m reading my CNN RSS feeds every day and staying better connected to the world news, something I’m apt to miss as I become immersed in the world of education.

Nothing prepared me for the connection made through a comment left on one of my posts today. Looks like my new friend Ilana and I will be emailing each other, as unfortunately, I can’t read the Hebrew that her blog is written in from Israel.

She writes “Hello,I am a new Israeli blogger & I must admit that I feel exactly like you.I wish you could read my blog…it is written in Hebrew.
I am responsible of an information center in a public library.
My 40 volunteers + me help citizens & try to solve their problems. Sometimes those problems follow me home…
My new blog is sort of therapy…especially now, that we struggle for our existence in Israel. It helps me share my thoughts, feelings & also is a working tool..I use it in order to empower the information center.
Thanks for your time. Ilana”

I’m blown away by this connection. Ilana just took the headlines from CNN, Mideast talks fail to reach cease-fire agreement and reminded me of the individuals living, working and blogging through the chaos in countries much more like my own than the headlines sometimes indicate.

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